Anyways, yesterday I was hanging out with my mom and her friend Kathy. We made some cookies and looked at cookbooks.
Mama got irritated with me on the way over because I was not listening to her as I had to focus on the blog post about good things coming and uploading it on my iPhone.
Did I tell you I can post from my phone?
Yes. I did.
Anyways, since mama kept talking about how rude it was for me to be on my phone and not talking to her, the following conversation took place.
mama: "She's always talking about how people should have real conversations and she's sitting there on her dumb phone not even listening to a word I say."
me: "Um, it's a smart phone, ok. Plus, I had a deadline I had to meet."
mama: "A deadline? For your blog? Are you kidding me."
me: "Look lady, there are people out there waiting, pining, to read my blog."
mama: "Yeah. Right. You really think people are just sitting by their computer waiting for you to post on your blog?"
me: "Duh."
Kathy: "Actually some people were. But then she stopped posting all of a sudden. So now they don't as much anymore."
mama: "Seriously Kathy, you really just sat around waiting for her to post on her blog?"
me: "See. Deadlines."
"a day without one of her blog posts is like a day without sunshine" --unknown reader of "Habia una Vez" |
Welp, I guess I should go do that homework that's due in 23 minutes.
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