Wednesday, June 8, 2011

believing in fortune cookies... business & being successful

I found the following message on my desk at work the other day.  It had, at some point, been misplaced but was luckily recovered while making a lame attempt at tidying things up.

Several people have told me that I am not normal, often times because I get up early in the morning and accomplish more than some people can accomplish in an entire day, before 7:45am.  Actually, I think old people do that but I'm not old.

Today I managed to vacuum my car out, water flowers, take shower, run to get coffee beans, pick up milk and cereal and meet the electrician.

Anyways, it didn't surprise me then that even my success would be unusual.  I have some ideas brewing inside my brain about possible endeavors but have yet to take any sort of action.

At least I was successful in the business of coordinating a bus training today.  Thanks to all of the case workers who worked hard to inform the refugees, 15 people showed up and there were three languages interpreted.

Fun job.  The best part was sitting under a tree when we missed the bus and hanging out with some really funny people from Bhutan who taught me some Nepali, of which I rememeber. 

not. a. single. word.  

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