Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Ok so let's face it.  I can't stand not working.  I'm getting bored and feeling lazy.  I watched two episodes of Mad Men today and all I can think about is all of those messed up relationships and all of the scandals and the affairs.  It's disgusting.  I went running and I just kept wondering who Don was going to sleep with next and if Pete ever finds out that Peggy had his baby.


What the hell is wrong with me?

So I've decided that even though I don't have to, I'm going to work at least 15 hours per week.  Flowers, babysitting, catering, whatever.

And I'm going to make some lists of things that need to get done around here and quit saying "mañana" whenever I think about all of the things that could be done... because it's depressing me.

Maybe if I write them here I'll feel like I have to get them done since everyone in the blogoshere knows about them.


- write a letter I should have written about 8 months ago
- clean out attic
- get rid of all of that stupid paint in the basement
- clean the basement
- tear down that stupid disintegrating wall in the basement
- sweep the steps
- wash the rugs
- weed
- mow the lawn before it reaches my waste
- write that thank you note
- make 30 pairs of mittens

ok.  I'll start with that.  I don't want to get too ambitious.


  1. THIRTY PAIRS OF MITTENS?! I better be getting at least one.

  2. Um...don't hurt yourself not being ambitious there, Shelby. That's about six months of work listed!

  3. I already mowed the lawn, killed the grass on the front lawn (on purpose), wrote the thank you note, washed the rugs, cleaned out my car and got rid of some of the paint. I'm not doing too bad.
